How does it work?

step one
Create your listing
Fill out a short form and provide as much detail as possible. We will recommend a price but the decision is yours. We'll enhance your listing with tweaks on the photos and wording to increase the chances of selling.

Accept the sale
We will contact you when the item is sold to confirm, and ask you to choose delivery date options.

step three
Get paid
Money is transferred to your account, less our selling fee, on the day of pick up and proof of transfer is sent to your email.
I'm ready to sell
Seller FAQs
How do I list an item?
Fill out the listing form with as much information as you can to ensure the greatest chance of selling fast!
Do I have to pay to list?
Listing with Lilo is free!
When do I get paid?
Funds will be released via PayPal as soon as the item is delivered, which 90% of the time is the same day as pick up.
Who determines the price?
We can provide a recommended price based on our research and data but ultimately the decision is yours.
What can I sell with Lilo?
We accept everything of quality except for mattresses and electronics.
What is the quickest way to sell?
To provide as much information as possible, including the brand name and original price, and take quality photos!
What if I decide to keep my item?
You can cancel anytime by emailing hello@liloliving.com
Can I reduce the price?
We will monitor the activity on your listing, including enquiries and feedback, and email you should we feel the item pricing needs to be adjusted. Ultimately, this is your decision.
What if it doesn't sell?
If the item does not sell within 60 days and you wish to have the furniture removed from your home, Lilo can offer it's Full Service selling option. See here for details.
Why Sell with Lilo?
Hassle Free Selling
We take the hassle out of selling. We list, field any enquiries, manage the safe transaction, pick up and deliver the item.
Improved Listings
We improve every listing and feature certain items in our various marketing channels to ensure your item sells.
Safe Transactions
Every transaction is managed on our secure platform; no one will have access to your address or payment information.
Reach More Buyers with Delivery
By offering a seamless buying experience with fast, fixed fee delivery, we will reach more buyers and ensure your item sells.
Fast Payments
Once your item is delivered to the buyer, usually same day as pick up, we will release payment on the same day.
Professional Pick Up
Our pick up and delivery service is professional, and coupled with world class customer service.
We use various channels to advertise to audiences, extending well past the reach of FB marketplace.
Customer experience
We provide high class, 24/7 customer service to ensure you are supported through the process.
Payment processing
The processing of payments in a secure and seamless way to ensure a positive experience
Delivery scheduling
To provide a professional pick up and delivery service in a seamless manner.
The majority of the sale is your earnings. Lilo will retain a portion of the earnings (13 - 25%) in order to create a safe and seamless experience for the seller. Without the fee, Lilo would not be able to provide the service to you as the seller and the buyers.